The Google Cycle
Verge这篇文章将 Google 对待产品的方式定义为 Google Cycle:
It always goes the same way: the company launches a new service with grandiose language about how this fits its mission of organizing and making accessible the world’s information, quickly updates it with a couple of neat features, immediately seems to forget it exists, eventually launches a competitor out of some other part of the company, obviously begins to deprecate it and shift focus to the new competitor, and then, years later, finally shuts it down for real.
作者David Pearce认为这种现象存在的根本原因是 Google 不知道如何制造不依赖广告来获取收入的产品。它不能让产品“make sense”,即让产品具有完整的功能和生命周期,并给出用户付费的理由。
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